4 Products to Help Relieve Pregnancy Back Pain
By Brian Acton
Back pain is a common problem during pregnancy, with an estimated 50% of pregnant women expected to experience lower back pain while pregnant or in the postpartum phase. The pain can be severe enough to affect daily routines and can even affect the ability to work.
Common recommendations to relieve back pain include maintaining proper posture, exercising before and (safely) during pregnancy, and taking care not to lift with the back. But the weight gain, posture changes, hormones, and muscle separation associated with pregnancy are tough on the back no matter what you do.
Whatever you’re doing for your pregnancy back pain, there are some products that can assist you. Here are four products to help relieve pregnancy back pain.
- Hot and Cold Packs
Hot and cold therapy can help relieve all kinds of muscle strains and aches and pains, and this extends to pregnancy-related back pain. Hot and cold packs are affordable, easy to use, and can be heated up or cooled down and applied to your back at home.
- Foam Rollers
When used safely and properly, using a foam roller - the same kind you’d use to release muscle tension after a tough workout - can help relieve lower back aches and pains. They’re cheap, easy to store, and can be used wherever you have a little floor space.
- Supportive Shoes
Supportive shoes are important for everyone to maintain good posture and spinal health, but they are crucial during pregnancy to keep you comfortable and support your spine. When shopping for a good pair of shoes, look for something that is comfortable and offers a good deal of arch support.
Heels should be low to the ground, and the shoe should be lightweight - you don’t need the added stress of carrying heavy shoes around. Keep in mind that your feet can swell during pregnancy, so something that is flexible (or maybe a half size bigger than your normal fit) can help accommodate the swelling.
- Maternity Support Belt
Maternity support belts lift the belly when you’re pregnant, taking some of the additional pressure off your body, giving your back a break. They can also help relieve abdominal stress and added pressure on your pelvis and bladder.
In Closing
There are no miracle cures for pregnancy back pain. Getting some relief may require a combination of methods including exercising, stretching, good posture, and using common products. Make sure to consult your doctor for the right way to handle your back pain, and remember that severe pain over an extended period of time could be the sign of a problem that needs further medical intervention.
https://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/back-pain-in-pregnancy#1Mentioned Products

Soft Comfort CorPak Hot & Cold Therapy Packs

Dual Comfort CorPak Hot & Cold Therapy Pack

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