Tips for Beating the Mid-Afternoon Slump
By Brian Acton
Mid-afternoon energy dips are an extremely common phenomenon that can seriously reduce your productivity. If you tend to feel drowsy in the afternoon, you may have difficulty focusing on tasks or getting anything done.
Feeling sleepy after lunch is perfectly natural and may be a function of your body’s internal clock. But there are other factors at play, and there are things you can do to overcome your afternoon fatigue.
Here are six tips for beating the mid-afternoon slump.
- Avoid Heavy Lunches and Simple Carbs - If you already tend to get sleepy in the afternoon, a heavy lunch can come down on you like a ton of bricks. Simple carbs like pasta, white bread, white rice, or potato chips produce an immediate spike in blood sugar but will soon be followed by a crash. High-fat and high-sugar foods will also have the same effect. When it comes to lunch, stick to complex carbs like whole wheat bread and brown rice and avoid fatty or sugary foods. Make sure to mix in some protein, fruits, and vegetables for balance.
- Get Some Exercise - If your job involves sitting at a desk all day, you might be wondering why you feel tired - after all, you aren’t doing anything physically strenuous. While there are several potential explanations, it’s a fact that office jobs aren’t exempt from afternoon exhaustion. Exercise can be rejuvenating and can help jump start your motivation. Beyond that, it’s a good idea to get up and move regularly to counter the negative health effects of all that sitting. Try taking a brisk walk or going up and down the stairs a few times. If you can, take a walk outside to get the benefit of some sunshine; if that’s not possible, you can do some stretches and squats by your desk.
- Eat a Snack - A light snack can help provide the energy you need in the afternoon. Bananas, high-protein whole grain bars, yogurt parfaits or whole grain crackers can give you a jump-start. Avoid high-sugar snacks like candy bars or soda, which will spike your sugars temporarily but make you crash later.
- Switch Up Your Tasks - It’s hard to concentrate on the same task for prolonged periods of time. If you feel yourself losing motivation, try shifting gears and working on another task for a while to give your brain something else to focus on.
- Don’t Skip Breakfast - Skipping breakfast can throw off your body’s rhythm and cause your energy levels to tank later in the day. You may also be more likely to indulge in high-fat, high-sugar foods when you skip breakfast, leading you to feel even more sluggish. Make sure to eat a balanced breakfast every morning.
- Sleep Well - It may seem obvious, but a lack of sleep can cause you to feel wiped in the afternoon. Adults generally need at least seven hours of quality sleep each night to feel well-rested and productive. If you never feel well rested, you might need to work on sleeping longer or improving the quality of your sleep.