Working Parents Day
The days of a single income household are becoming more and more rarer with most households having both parents carrying jobs outside the home. September 16th is Working Parents Day and we’d like to celebrate these parents with tips to keep them healthy and rested so they can enjoy every moment with family at the end of the day.
Stress is a common factor among working parents in the U.S. There is pressure put on both moms and dads to not only contribute to the household income by carrying full-time jobs but also maintain all of the other household and parenting responsibilities. For many, there is simply not enough time in the day and sleep often suffers. Whether you have too much to do to get a good nights’ sleep or you have insomnia while lying in bed thinking of all the responsibly looming over you, sleep is usually the first sacrifice. Many studies have stressed the importance of 7-8 hours of sleep per night for optimal health. Even though it may not seem that is possible- make every effort to get your rest. Being well-rested will reduce stress and also give you the energy you need to face the duties ahead. It’s also important to establish a set of priorities. Don’t sacrifice your family time by staying at work those extra hours. Leave the office on time and try to clear your mind of workplace stress before going home to your family. Your children can sense when you are stressed and it will likely leave them feeling stressed as well. Take time on the drive home to decompress- take some deep breaths and let the work day go so you can focus on family. Childcare is one of the most important factors in determining who will care for your child when you return to work. It’s stressful for parents to leave their child in the care of another. Before you commit do your research. Take tours of facilities you are considering and ask other families what their experiences have been. If you are taking your child to an in-home child care setting make sure you ask for references and call! Get to know those caring for your children and make sure they have adequate information about any health or allergy concerns. Keep these tips in mind from Core Products for success at work and at home!